

一想到盾冬两人并肩作战我就想哭了嘤嘤嘤 真的想了那么久的事情终于可以实现了

冬冬穿这夹克一看就感觉变乖了呢 跑步都不忘舔嘴唇真的是!!!这可是抓拍诶!!(难不成舔了一路(你滚(((

而且看到有人把这个和队2的男模图放一起对比 发现冬冬这次腿比上次细了好多 不造是不是吐槽了所以可以少穿了几条秋裤ww

还有看了CE的那个访谈 我真的很感激罗素兄弟 我始终觉得是他们给了美国队长这个人物第二次生命 一点都不夸张 把一个扁平化的深入人心的人物形象塑造得如此立体充满人性 美国队长不再是简单的代表无私拯救 他们利用Bucky这个人物反过来去丰满队长这一点我真是!!!!亲爹啊!!!(扯远了

CE那段话我简直要抄下来保存了 “When he has the opportunity to reconnect in a way that could be purely self-serving — it’s not for the greater good, it’s not for anyone else, it’s just for him and he’s put himself last so often, so many times — when you have a character that just remembers him and he has a flash of personal agenda, it’s rewarding. I like it. I like those moments where Cap gets to have a little nugget just for himself.”

CE亲手发的糖 我可以满足一个月!!!!

总之一直到明年上映前 我整个人都保持可以飞在天上的状态~~~~

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